
mRNA백신의 참상

빛에스더 2022. 2. 17. 08:48

펌: http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/issue803.htm


아직 mRNA 백신의 괴물스러운 것들은 오지 않았다.

백신맞고 죽음과 상해는 늘어나지만, 지배하는 엘리트들은 계속 부스터샷 맞고, 아기들도 독약을

맞으라고 한다.

쪼그라든 태반, 에이즈, 젊은이의 심장병, 장의사에게 발견된 벌레같은 혈전.



혈전 혈전은 mRNA백신의 여러 부작용중 하나인데, 젊은이에게 심장병을 일으킴은 잘 알려져 있다.

젖을 만드는 synthietic-1 단백질을 공격해 태반을 쪼그라들게 만들고 태어날 아이도 불임시키는 결과를 만든다.

백신의 신경 상해는 백신 지지자들에 의해서 부정되지만,

켈리포냐 주지사 게빈 뉴섬의 백신쑈에서 자주 있었던 길랑바레 증후군(신경마비+염증+통증+@@) 같이 통계는 잘 보여준다.

영국 보건부는 백신에 의해 면역고갈로 임시적인 에이즈가 발생한다고 잘 문서화했다.

이제 더 공포스러운 이야기는 장의사가 백신맞고 뱀같은 고무같은 혈전을 혈관에서 발견했다.

산화그래핀은 수산화그래핀이 되면서 면도날이 되어 혈관을 찢어 젊은이와 건강한 사람은 심장이 상해받는다.

이것이 더 진행되면 혈관이 막혀서 산소 고갈로 진행되서, 장의사의 사진에서 나온 고무같은 혈전은 혈류를 막는다.

코로나-19의 역사는 서양의 엘리트는 이번 독감을 사람들을 가두고 통제했다는 것이다.

코로나-19는 그냥 나쁜 독감이고, 노인들에게 주로 영향을 준다.

아주 젊은 자들은 코로나 걸린 것 조차 모른다. 스웨덴은 마스크도 안쓰고 집단면역으로 갔다.

그러나 서양의 엘리트는 백신 맞고 접종증명서를 강요한다.

이런 명령은 갑자기 설명없이 갑자기 없어졌다. 아마도 계엄령이 서양 국가들에게 더 효과적이기 때문이다

mRNA Vax Horrors


Yet another horror has emerged to add to the list of of monstrous things the mRNA vax does to the human body. Meanwhile, almost in step with the increase in dead and injury caused by the vax, the elite in control demand that the population be required to have yet another booster and that children down to the age of a newborn be vaccinated with this poison. Shriveled placentas, and a type of AIDS due to an exhausted immune systems and heart attacks in the young, and now we have worm-like blood clots discovered by morticians.

Shocking Interview: Embalmers Finding “Strange Clots” In Jabbed People
January 28, 2022
https://www.newswars.com/pivotal-interview-embalmers-finding-strange-clots-in-jabbed-people/Dr. Jane Ruby talked with longtime embalmer Richard Hirschman to get the word out about “strange clots” being found in the veins of dead Americans. Many of the deceased Hirschman has come across reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. The mortician says he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. The embalmer said a typical blood clot is “smooth” and falls apart easily when picked up or touched. “But this white fiber stuff is pretty strong. It’s not weak at all. You can manipulate it, it’s very pliable. It’s very hard. It is not normal.” The specific person with the clots seen in the photo above was vaccinated for Covid, and had also contracted Covid. “I contacted colleagues of mine, and they’re seeing the same thing,” the veteran embalmer told Dr. Ruby.



Clots are among the dozens of known side effects caused by the mRNA vaccine. That they cause heart attacks in the young is well documented. The mRNA vaccine shrivels the placenta by attacking the syncytin-1 protein integral to the placenta. Abortions of even full-term babies resulted. Nerve damage was denied by the vaccine advocates but the statistics show Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Bell’s Palsy frequently resulted, as the paralysis of Governor Newsom following his vaccination shows. Exhausting the immune system is a result well document by the UK health service, causing a type of temporary AIDS.

Now yet another horror story has emerged from the testimony of morticians. Rubbery, snake-like clots pulled from the blood vessels of those who have recently been vaccinated. Heart attacks amid the young and healthy have been attributed to the Graphene Oxide morphing to Graphene Hydroxide where it acts like tiny razor blades attacking the heart. But there is more to this process. Heart attacks are caused by clogged arteries, so the heart is starved of oxygen. As can be seen from the mortician’s photos, these rubbery clots completely block the flow of blood.

The history of the Covid-19 pandemic shows that the elite in the West have used this flu to lockdown and control the public. Covid-19 is just a bad flu, affecting primarily the aged. The very young do not even know they have it. Those countries like Sweden where lockdowns and masks were not imposed on the public quickly developed herd immunity and fared well. But the elite in the West instead imposed vax mandates and the use of vax passports. These orders were suddenly lifted, without explanation. Perhaps Martial Law in these western countries will manage more effectively.

출처: 트럼프왕과 기사이야기 원문보기 글쓴이: 황의형